

Name: Mahmoud

Surname: Adib

Date of birth: 1967

Married with 2 children

Master's degree in regional studies

Foreign languages: English and familiar with Russian and Armenian languages

  •        Executive responsibilities and work experiences:
    •     Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic republic of Iran
    •     D.G , Consular Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    •     D.G, Supreme Council of Iranians Abroad
    •     Assistant Director General of Consular Affairs
    •     Political senior, Secretariat of the Supreme Council of Iranians Abroad
    •     Consul General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Aktau - Kazakhstan
    •     Advisor to the Deputy of MFA in consular and parliament affair
    •     Special Assistant of Deputy of MFA in consular and parliament affair
    •     head of the consular section of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in London
    •     Deputy of the Passport and Visa Department
    •     Head of the supervision office for MFA's provincial missions
    •     Deputy for the personal status and registration Department
    •     Head of the consular section of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Denmark
    •     Press and cultural expert of the Embassy of Islamic Republic of Iran in Armenia
  •        Author ant translator of the Books:
    •      The Consular Affairs and Diplomacy
    •      The Future of Immigration